14 02, 2022

Liaison coordinates city services for Hobby Area District

2022-02-14T11:13:44-06:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

Jesse Carballo Jr. is on a mission to change the way residents view local government and help to make city services more accessible. He is a community liaison for the Houston Mayor’s Assistance Office. Jesse [...]

3 02, 2022

City’s actions at Gulf Freeway encampments are a “win-win” for District and people without homes

2022-02-03T11:44:40-06:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

Last summer, the Hobby Area District board of directors wrote to Mayor Sylvester Turner and his staff expressing concern about encampments under and along I-45 overpasses within District boundaries. The board saw the encampments [...]

13 01, 2022

A walk through a shopping center for customers on tight budgets

2022-01-13T13:38:58-06:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

The Broadway Shopping Center, just north of Bellfort Avenue, hosts more than a dozen specialty shops tailored to budget-conscious consumers. Brixmor Property Group, which owns and operates the center and many others like it across the [...]

14 12, 2021

Telephone Road tire/service center never tires of the service part

2021-12-14T10:26:21-06:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

It may be called the Tire Store Service Center, but owner and operator Gerardo Nolazco insists that the most important word is “service.” The massive shop at 6401 Telephone Road is set up as a [...]

9 11, 2021

Hobby area gets a Louisiana-style eatery thanks to life’s turns

2021-11-11T11:57:10-06:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

After spending her youth as a lonely “military brat,” Penny Henderson wanted to grow up and get married, have a lot of kids and spend time making and enjoying big dinners with the whole family. [...]

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