The Hobby Area District is excited to welcome Mini Murals tours, a project that uses public traffic signal boxes as mural backdrops to showcase local Houston artists. Maps and information for self-guided tours are available online. Bus tours are not yet available in our area but are coming in the near future. We encourage residents and visitors to the Hobby area to check out the twenty unique art installations throughout the District. 

The Hobby area is a vibrant, diverse part of Houston and boasts 20 mini murals of our own. Ranging from aviation themes to bayou wildlife, the Hobby District’s murals reflect the area’s character and defining features. We’ve highlighted two of the local artists whose work is featured in Hobby area mini murals below:

Anat Ronen (art co-created with Pilot FX Houston)
You wouldn’t believe it from her work but Anat Ronen is a self-taught artist. Her career began commissioning work based on her clients’ requests, however, she found this didn’t leave much room for creativity. From this experience, Ronen gained the courage to speak her mind and add her own input to her work. Her art soon took a different direction, and, after receiving an invitation to paint a mural for a museum exhibit, she realized her true passion was urban art. By creating art for the public rather than for private clients, she uses it as a medium to speak the truth and share her perspectives.

Pilot FX
Always the artist, Pilot FX’s love for art has been a part of him from a young age. Pilot FX uses art as a way to express himself and represent Houston culture. He does graffiti work as well as gallery work and likes to feature  H-Town’s hip-hop culture. Somewhat surprisingly, as he told Houston Press in an interview, most of the people who buy his artwork are older white women. The reason why is unknown, but he definitely doesn’t mind. His next goal is to make it easier for audiences to see the relationship between his gallery work and graffiti work. We can’t wait to see more from him.