My Hobby District
Check the art at Hobby Airport without checking in for a flight
View on entering main door of Hobby Whether waiting to pick up passengers, checking in for a flight, picking up a suitcase, or looking for a free attraction, visitors and travelers at [...]
Hobby District joins crime-fighting camera network
The board of directors of the Hobby Area Management District today (May 17, 2023) approved funding for 30 automatic license plate reader cameras to be located strategically throughout the district to help locate crime suspects [...]
Enterprising custom bakery grows from naughty to nice
Katashia DeWalt loves a challenge — almost as much as she loves cakes, cookies, cupcakes and confections. Growing up, she was the only one in her family who didn’t bake. As an adult, that all [...]
International chain brings boba tea to Hobby area
What do brown sugar, tapioca, and "cheese foam" have in common? If you're asking, you may still need to become a fan of bubble tea, which can include any of those ingredients. But you can [...]
Shan Hu provides comfort food & atmosphere 40 years along
There’s a life-sized Buddha statue just inside the restaurant, bamboo in ornate pots and two menus, one for Chinese food, the other for Korean. It’s obvious the longtime owners of Shan Hu Chinese restaurant at [...]
Expertise is engine of success at WorldWide Parts & Equipment
WorldWide Parts & Equipment, Inc. buys, sells and makes specialized parts for diesel engines for massive machines worldwide — machines like oil derrick generators, chemical plant fire suppression systems, and even Gulf shrimpers. The secret to [...]
Beginning in Southwest Houston, Sims extends East near Hobby Airport toward the Ship Channel
Ten-foot wide concrete hike-and-bike trails, seating plazas, and landscaping will enhance and expand Sims Bayou Greenway, connecting residents to nearby parks and community resources. Upon completion, cyclists, joggers, and pedestrians will enjoy the nearly [...]
Hobby area company sees signs of success and installs them, too
People traveling north on the Gulf Freeway near Hobby Airport can easily see two brick and glass office buildings marked as Perry Homes, a longtime local home-building company. Just behind the buildings, especially at night, [...]
The Hobby Area two-step; Shop local, go Western
Another great annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo went into the record books. But wearing leather boots, pearl snap shirts, and maybe even Stetson hats often draws compliments year-round in the Hobby Area District. When [...]
Hobby Area District Newsletter Spring 2022
Download the Newsletter Download our Spring 2022 Newsletter Content: A message from the Chairman Articles Highly sophisticated security tools protect Hobby businesses Hobby Area District provides increased police presence Family-owned [...]
The Hobby Area District Contributes $400,000 to the Mosley Road Improvement Project
Left to right: Alberto “Beto” Cardenas TIRZ 8 Board Member, Charles Watts HAD board Chair, Mary Vargo TIRZ 8 Board Member, Gusta Booker III TIRZ 8 Board Member, Don Huml, Senior Project Manager TIRZ [...]
The flag still flies for all-you-can-eat Mexican food
For those who grew up with Pancho’s Mexican Buffet, there were few things that spiced up a meal like raising the small red, white and green flag at the table to signal that we needed [...]