20 09, 2023

Hobby Area firm checks on seaborn energy shipments far and wide

2023-09-20T20:41:59-05:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

Almost anyone who has crossed over a Houston Ship Channel bridge or driven along Galveston Bay has seen the massive tankers moving continually up and down the channel, feeding the region’s essential energy and petrochemical [...]

18 09, 2023

Board member profile: Insurance agent & real estate investor Andrew Heber

2023-09-18T12:15:40-05:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

Andrew Heber, a new member of the Hobby Area District board of directors, is an insurance agent with State Farm and a real estate investor who owns property within the district. Heber shared his thoughts about [...]

19 06, 2023

Advocate on quest to improve area through art

2023-06-19T11:37:14-05:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

Linda Hinojos remembers her excitement upon arriving at Hobby Airport at age five with her family. The bustling cars, street sounds, and planes soaring overhead contrasted sharply with the serene mesas and rocky outcrops of her rural [...]

31 05, 2023

Check the art at Hobby Airport without checking in for a flight

2023-05-31T14:13:05-05:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

View on entering main door of Hobby Whether waiting to pick up passengers, checking in for a flight, picking up a suitcase, or looking for a free attraction, visitors and travelers at [...]

17 05, 2023

Hobby District joins crime-fighting camera network

2023-05-17T20:48:44-05:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

The board of directors of the Hobby Area Management District today (May 17, 2023) approved funding for 30 automatic license plate reader cameras to be located strategically throughout the district to help locate crime suspects [...]

1 07, 2022

Shan Hu provides comfort food & atmosphere 40 years along

2022-07-01T12:37:25-05:00HAD Story, My Hobby District|

There’s a life-sized Buddha statue just inside the restaurant, bamboo in ornate pots and two menus, one for Chinese food, the other for Korean. It’s obvious the longtime owners of Shan Hu Chinese restaurant at [...]

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