On October 21, 2015, City Council unanimously approved the Scrap Tire Ordinance due to an immediate need to alleviate the environmental dangers posed by the numerous illegal tire piles within Houston. Reducing and eliminating the illegal dumping of tires will positively affect neighborhoods and city services. The ordinance became effective January 1, 2016.
The Scrap Tire Program was created to establish regulations and procedures for the safe transportation, appropriate storage, and accurate record-keeping and proper disposal of used or scrap tires.
- I am a homeowner/renter in Houston. Where can I get rid of my household tires?
You are able to dispose of your own used or scrap tires at your local neighborhood depository. Houston residents can take up to 5 tires at a time, up to 4 times a month to their local Neighborhood Depository. If you have numerous tires, a registered and reputable scrap-tire dealer can serve you.
Dumps and Abandoned Sites
- I would like to know about a tire dump in my area. Whom do I contact?
Please contact SWD-Tires at (832-393-0460). - Someone has dumped tires on my property (or someone else’s property) without permission. Whom do I need to tell?
If you would like to file a complaint about illegally dumped used or scrap tires, please call 311 or SWD Tires at (832-393-0460)
- Where can I find city requirements about scrap tires?
Requirements (statutes and rules) for the management of used or scrap tires can be found online at https://www.houstontx.gov/scraptires/.
- How do I register to transport, process, recycle, store, or manage scrap tires in Texas?
For information, please visit the home page of the Scrap Tire Program https://www.houstontx.gov/scraptire or contact us by telephone at SWD- Tires (832-393-0460) or by email to [email protected]. - How long does it take to get registered as a transporter and how long before I can take tires?
An applicant who provides a complete application to the City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department should expect to receive authorization for registration for a generator or transporter within 30 days. For scrap-tire facilities, the review of information and coordination take 30 to 60 days. - I am storing fewer than 500 tires on the ground on my property; Is this legal under the new ordinance?
No. It shall be unlawful for any person to store any tire in the city in such a manner that the tire is exposed to the elements of nature, and this action is hereby declared a nuisance, subject to abatement at the expense of the owner of the premises where the tire is stored.
Scrap Tire Problems
Over 24 million scrap tires are discarded in Texas every year. It costs the City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department $1 million annually to collect and dispose of illegally dumped tires.
Scrap Tires – A Risk to Public Health and the Environment
Scrap tires exposed to the elements can:
- Provide good living conditions for mosquitoes that can spread diseases such as Encephalitis and West Nile Virus.
- Provide breeding grounds for rats, snakes, ticks, and other vectors.
- Become a fire hazard since tire fires are difficult to extinguish
- Could release dangerous contaminants into the air, water, and soil.
How You Can Help Reduce Scrap Tire Problems
Purchase retreaded tires!
Properly maintain tires! This extends wear and increases the chance that they can be retreaded. Some helpful tips are:
- Keep tires inflated at recommended inflation level. Underinflation can waste up to 5% of a car’s fuel.
- Repair punctures, maintain alignment, and rotate tires every 6,000 – 8,000 miles.
To avoid mosquitoes, prevent water accumulation in tires. If you have a tire swing or dock tire bumpers, puncture holes in the tires so they won’t hold water. You can also purchase environmentally friendly repellents.
For more information on City of Houston Solid Waste Management’s Scrap Tire Program, please call SWD-Tires at (832-393-0460).
- Submit Application
- COH will issue permit (Number and Sticker)
- Display Sticker on vehicles(s)
- Renew permit yearly
- Scrap Tire FAQ
- Tire Disposal FAQ
- Scrap Tire Generator APPLICATION
- Scrap Tire Transporter APPLICATION
- City of Houston Code of Ordinances, Chapter 39, and Article VIII