Time is running out to complete your census! The deadline is one week from today on September 30th. The census is important because the roads you drive on, the schools you send your children to and the hospitals that care for your loved ones are all funded based on how many people in your area complete the short census survey.
Filling out the census takes less than 10 minutes and is safe, easy and confidential. By law, your responses are private and can not be shared with anyone, including other government agencies. No information you provide will be shared with immigration authorities or used against you in any way.
Harris County currently has a response rate of 61.7%. We can do better! Visit my2020census.gov today to fill out the census. If you have already filled out your census, please share this email with at least 3 people who you think should hear this. If we come together to make sure everyone is counted, our community will have the funding it needs for a prosperous 10 years.