Join us for a Houston-Galveston Area Council Land Use and Transportation Webinar as we discuss Facilitating Parking for Livable Centers.
The webinar will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, September 18, with a virtual kickoff event on Thursday, September 17. Individual registration is required for each event.
Whether you’re in a small town or big city, parking is key to conducting business in the Houston-Galveston region.
Kick-Off Event (September 17)
- Future of Parking: What Topics Are Changing the Way We Think About Parking and How to Prepare, Including COVID, Autonomous Vehicles, Rideshare, and More
Half-Day Workshop (September 18)
- Parking Trends in Main Streets, Downtowns, and Town Centers
- Identifying Parking Needs and Tools
- Local Case Studies
- Stump the Expert Panel Discussion
If you have already registered, we apologize for the duplicate invitation and will see you on September 18.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinar.
Please forward this email to colleagues and friends who might have an interest in this topic.
Houston-Galveston Area Council